Spooky Scoop
Boo! Don’t worry; Ms. J’s Gym doesn’t mean to scare. We’re all about surprises & treats! Not tricks. Here’s a quick recap from our Annual Halloween Party along with the spooky scoop on some Halloween activities for this weekend!

Last Sunday, Ms. J’s Gym's Annual Halloween Party was in full effect! Ms. J’s Team Gymnasts had not one BUT TWO performances. Our guests had a sneak preview of some of the routines that Ms. J’s Team and Pre-team gymnasts are practicing on this season. Our team gymnasts also held another bake sale during the party. We are grateful for all the support our members and guests provided to our gymnasts. Each donation helps bring them closer to their goal for the season.

Before and in between the two performances, our guests had a ghoulish good time. We played our spookiest playlist as costume clad children spun and tumbled around our gym. Our instructors built a massive fort and our Tumbl Trak was filled with bouncing characters. In the lobby across the bake sale table, our guests had a chance to pick a frightful or fun design for face-painting. Thank you for celebrating and supporting us!

This Friday from 5pm-8pm, P.S. 132 will be holding their Annual Harvest Festival. The festival will be a lot of gourd fun! There will be a photo-booth, bouncy houses, a mad science lab, and much more! 320 Manhattan Avenue will be in full Fall spirit. Come join P.S. 132 and the rest of the community!

We wish everyone a fun and safe Halloween!
Until next time,