President's Day to Carnival!
Mid-winter break camp had it all- from President’s Day to the start of Carnival. Take a look at what our campers did all of last week.

Monday was a star-spangled day! It was the start of #MsJsGymnastics’s Camp week and President’s Day. Monday was the most mellow of the camp days and a great way to introduce some new gymnasts to the gym! Gymnasts were personally catered to with a special low student to teacher ratio. One of our very own Team coaches led the day! Mr. Ivan was able to provide tumblerific classes to the campers.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were filled with gymnastics and friends! All camp spots were taken and Ms. J’s Gym was beaming with energy. The gymnasts started with group warm-ups and followed by different classes. Instructors led a multitude of classes which were chosen based on age and skill. Campers practiced their balance on the beam, jumps on the big trampoline, and plenty more.
Friday Funday! Camp was sold out once again. It was quite a festive day as campers had a mini-Carnival celebration. Fun, colorful, and creative masks and crowns were made. It seemed like the week rolled on by just like our campers did on Friday. During class, different rolls were performed-forward, backward, and straddle. Arm strength was tested as the campers made their way to the rings and the bar.
We had a phenomenal week with our campers. As always- the sooner camp reservations are locked down, the better we can customize #MsJCamp for our gymnasts! We aim to provide a safe, well-structured, and fun day. Each day is always staffed ahead of time with an appropriate amount of instructors to campers. Thank your for joining us! Check out our upcoming single day camps along with our Summer gymnastics camp days.
Happy Camping,